
Movie-going should be worry free.

Breeding spots.

Germs and bacteria could live in these areas,
waiting to be spread to an unsuspecting public.



Armrests & cup holders.


Concession stands.

Ticketing counter.

The Air You Breathe.


Report shows that movie theatre seats are highly contaminated with bacteria, the same ones found in cattle and soil, as well as bacteria commonly found in human faeces and yeast*. 

There is also evidence of E.coli and staph, which can cause terrible infections^

*(ABC's news magazine program, 20/20, 2014) ^(KLTV 2008).



With all venues it’s not just the surrounds but places like the till area. Contact points such as credit card machines are used by a variety of customers and cashiers.

Dermodacyn can safely sanitise these areas creating a safer environment for all.


Pathogens could be transmitted by surface contact and proximity to infected persons. 


Basic safety measures should be employed, including socially distanced reserved seating, wearing face masks, temperature checks at the door and regular sanitising of screening rooms and all frequently touched surfaces.





A recently flooded screening room is infested with mould. This serves as a potential breeding ground for germs and bacteria.  

ATP Surface Test* was performed on the following key areas in the cinema, before and after applying Dermodacyn® Disinfecting Solution. 

POS screen and ATM machine at ticket counter.

Before: 150
After: 20

Seats and controller in
non-flooded room.

Before: 51
After: 25

Seats and general areas
in flooded room.

Before: 3692
After: 672



The flooded room needs to be thoroughly cleaned before disinfecting.  Disinfecting does not replace cleaning.  This is one reason why the reading of the flooded room cannot be lowered to a safe level.

A non-toxic and non-corrosive disinfectant should be used for routine disinfection of screening rooms and frequently touched surfaces to avoid health risks and damaging costly equipment.

Dermodacyn® Disinfecting Solution is fast, safe and effective.  It eliminates pathogens within 30 seconds. It is as safe as water and is harmless to be ingested or inhaled.  It is non-corrosive to costly cinema furniture and fixtures.  Simply apply to surfaces to disinfect hands, seats and floors or diffuse in air to kill airborne viruses, even during screening.