
Training in a hygienic environment is equally important as the training itself.

Sanitary practices are the biggest pet peeves of gym-goers*
with the following at the top of their list:


Over 50% of gym-goers do not wash hands and continue using gym equipment.

35% of men & over 25% of women admitted to never wiping down weight machines after using them.

*(Survey of 1,004 gym-goers)



Gym equipment can contain 360 times the amount of bacteria than toilet seats, and treadmills contain over 70 times more bacteria than a water faucet.


Germs found in gyms (Healthline 2019):

Staph bacteria.

Risk area:
Gym equipment, machines, free weights, mats, towels, benches and in locker rooms.

Fungal infections.

Risk area:
Locker room environment.


Risk area:
In the air



Routine disinfection of all equipment including machines and weights before and after use would reduce the risk of communicable diseases.  Dermodacyn® Disinfecting Solution is effective in eliminating 99.99% of bacteria and viruses including H7N9, H5N1, MRSA, Straph and Strep, S. Aures, E. Coli, and human coronas virus within 30 seconds.

It is as safe as water and is harmless to be ingested or inhaled in diffused form.  It is non-corrosive to costly gym equipment and fixtures.  Simply apply to surfaces to disinfect hands and equipment or diffuse in air to kill airborne viruses, even when the gym is in use.